How to get organized to pay the beginning of the year bills?

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Paying the beginning of the year bills can mean an impact on a lot of people's pockets. However, with good financial planning, it is possible to catch up on these expenses without harming your finances.

To help you in this important mission, we have prepared this content. Throughout the article, we will comment on the pending issues that arise at this time and the best way to prepare to pay the bills at the beginning of the year. Enjoy the tips!

What is the main beginning of the year accounts?

Another 12 months have passed and you're already excited about the arrival of another year. After all, this is a great opportunity to get new projects off the ground, achieve goals and accomplish goals , isn't it?

Despite this, the beginning of the period year can be marked by some additional expenses. Below, see what are the most frequent extra expenses, how to prepare to pay the bills and keep your finances organized:


The charge related to the Tax on Property and Urban Territorial Property (IPTU) always appears in January. Depending on where you live, generous discounts are offered for those who want to pay their bills in cash - consider this alternative to spend less. It is also worth checking with your city hall to see if there will be any adjustments compared to the previous year.


Get organized to pay the beginning of the year bills and check out some possibilities for discounts.

If you already have a car in the garage or want to finance a car , it is essential to pay attention to the Motor Vehicle Tax (IPVA). As with IPTU, many states provide discounts for payments made in a single installment.

If you prefer, it is feasible to pay the IPVA in up to three installments, but to be entitled to this possibility, you must pay off the first part by a specific deadline. If you haven't received any infractions during the year, you can receive a rebate ranging from 5% to 15%.

3. Enrollments and materials

Anyone with children at home knows that the investment in enrollment and school materials can be high. If you want to enroll in a course, college or graduate school, you should also keep an eye on that.

4. Gifts, trips and festivities

Christmas, New Year's Eve and holidays — these are some of the most important times of the year for many families. So if you've spent a lot on gifts, celebrations, and travel, write it all down and get ready to pay for it as soon as possible. Remember that high interest rates can be major villains for your personal finances .

How to prepare to pay the beginning of the year bills?

Now that you know what the beginning of the year bills usually are, it's time to check out some valuable tips to get rid of pending issues without facing so many difficulties. Follow the recommendations to start January with a full pocket!

Make an extra income

Not everyone knows, but the calendar exchange is an excellent occasion to earn  extra income — you can even use the weekends of October, November and December to carry out additional activities and supplement your regular earnings. Some options that can earn you good money are:

- Work in commercial events;
- Walk and / or take care of other people's animals;
- Being an application driver ;
- Sell clothes and objects that you no longer use;
- Make crafts;
- Sell food (lunchboxes, cakes, etc.);
- Renting a room/room in your house from time to time;
- Animate children's parties, among others.

Use the 13th well

Who doesn't like to receive the 13th salary? In addition to being very useful for Christmas shopping, it tends to make a difference in the pockets of those who know how to use it strategically. Therefore, as soon as you receive that money, resist the temptation to buy all your consumer dreams. Thus, you will be able to pay the bills without delay and still get relevant discounts.

The ideal is to separate a part of it to cover the commitments already mentioned and use the rest to invest in leisure. After all, financial resources are good for that too, right?

Plan yourself

Planning is the first step in prioritizing how to pay the beginning of the year bills.

Planning is the first and one of the most decisive steps to  organize financial life once and for all. Of course, unforeseen events happen, but it is much easier to deal with them when there is a schedule made in advance.

That way, even before the year turns, put at the tip of your pencil what your January expenses will be, due dates, installment possibilities and possible discounts. To organize yourself, you can count on a notebook, a spreadsheet or a financial control application - the most important thing is to be aware of everything to avoid unpleasant surprises.

With this information in hand, it will be possible to understand the limitations and possibilities of your bank account . Thus, you will know the amounts that will be spent to pay the beginning of the year bills and how this will happen.

Assess your priorities

Priorities tend to be personal, that is, each family has their own, do you agree? However, that doesn't mean you don't need to constantly evaluate them. Sometimes they change, just like our needs.

See what the urgencies are for the next year and prioritize fixed and mandatory expenses to be free of interest, fines and the like.

Search the prices

Are you going to buy gifts or a travel package for the holidays? Research prices carefully before closing any purchase. The internet offers more and more tools that allow you to compare the value of a product in different stores, for example. That's a way to value the income you've worked hard to earn.


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