10 Tips to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

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If you ever feel like your grocery bill has gotten out of hand and you’re not sure how to trim it back, these 10 tips to save money on groceries can help you find some simple ways to cut down on your spending. From planning your meals in advance to checking weekly circulars for deals, there are plenty of small tweaks that can have big impacts on your grocery budget! Here are ten grocery saving tips to get you started.

1) Shop with a list

When you shop without a list, your purchases are more likely to be impulsively made and unplanned. But when you go into the store with a shopping list, you're much less likely to buy things you don't need or forget something important. Plus, you'll save time in the store by not wandering around the aisles aimlessly looking for something. 

2) Compare prices


One of the best ways to save money is by comparing prices. This includes buying in bulk and using coupons. If your favorite grocery store doesn't have the product you want, check out a few other stores nearby. You might find it for less! Look at the unit price, not just the total cost of an item, when you're buying produce and fresh meat. When buying canned goods and pasta, buy only what you need, or they'll go bad before you can use them. Making dinner at home saves money because it's cheaper than eating out. Consider growing some vegetables if you live in an apartment with space, or look into joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group where they deliver a share of farm-fresh produce each week right to your door!

3) Use coupons

Coupons are an incredible cash-saving tip for food. There are two types of coupons, store coupons and manufacturer coupons. Store coupons can be found in the Sunday paper or by visiting a store's website. Manufacturer coupons will often come in the form of inserts in magazines or newspapers. To make the most of your grocery shopping experience you should use both types of coupon together, because each type has its own value. You can also find additional savings opportunities by combining one store coupon with one manufacturer coupon for maximum savings potential! The key is to plan ahead and look for sales so that you can get the most bang for your buck!

4) Buy in bulk


Purchasing in mass is an extraordinary cash saving tip. You can buy a large quantity of an item and then divide it up into smaller containers for storage. This way you are only paying for what you need, which helps reduce waste. Plus, buying in bulk can be cheaper per unit than buying small quantities of the same product. When you go shopping, have a list of what you need so that you are less likely to overbuy or impulse-buy items that aren't necessary for your survival or well-being.

5) Buy generic brands

One way to save money is by buying generic brands. You may notice that the prices are a little higher than their name brand counterparts, but they are usually still cheaper than the big name brands. In addition, some of them taste just as good and have the same ingredients as the more expensive ones. Sometimes you can find a coupon for these items which will help you save even more.

 Buy in bulk

Another thing you can do is buy in bulk at one time instead of buying things every week or two weeks when you need them. Not only does this save you money because you won't be paying for packaging or transportation, but it also saves time and energy because you won't have to make as many trips out to the store.

6) Shop at discount stores


-Shop with a list and don't go in hungry. The less tempted you are, the better deal you will find. -Don't buy anything else while you're out shopping. It's easier to control impulse buys if they aren't right in front of your face. 

-Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season, not only do they taste fresher but they'll be cheaper! 

-Know what to look for when buying meat- read labels and know what different cuts of meat look like; this will make it easier for you when deciding what kind of meat fits into your budget. 

-Go through your fridge and pantry before shopping, if you have food at home that's close to expiring it's better to use it now than waste it later!

7) Grow your own food

One of the best ways you can save money on groceries is by growing your own food. With some time and effort, you will be able to grow produce that tastes better than anything you can buy in the store, and all for less money.

8) Shop at farmers markets


If you're looking for fresh produce and want to save money, shop at farmers markets. They can be hard to find if you don't live in an area where they are common, but it's worth it. You'll know exactly where your food is coming from and how it was grown, and you'll be supporting local farms and businesses.

9) Meal plan

Make your grocery list and stick with it You'll save time, money and energy by not buying things you don't need or forgot. Put your list in a place where you can see it every day so that you're reminded of what needs to be bought each week. This will also help you avoid impulse purchases!

10) Avoid convenience foods


One of the best ways to save money on groceries is avoiding convenience foods. Though these products may be convenient and flavorful, they can really add up. Instead, make your meals from scratch using whole foods and fresh ingredients. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also make your meals healthier and more nutritious.


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