Six Ways to Start an Employee Engagement Survey

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Competition in the workforce makes companies try hard to retain their employees. One way to achieve this goal is to conduct an employee engagement survey .

Literally, employee engagement is employee involvement in the company. A high level of employee participation will be directly proportional to their high productivity which will result in low employee turnover rates within a certain period or turnover rate.

Definition of Employee Engagement

It should be explained here that employee engagement is different from an agreement agreed upon by superiors and employees in a work contract. The focus of employee engagement lies in involving employees in their respective work processes. Full support will help employees to be fully involved in achieving the company's mission and goals.

To find out how effective and successful employee engagement has been until now, employee engagement surveys are crucial. The results of the survey will assist in evaluating the relationship between companies and their employees. Companies can know the emotional state, problems, and expectations of their employees. In the end, a balance point will be created between the expectations and targets of the company and employees. Better emotional conditions will make employees feel valued.

Survey Metrics

Every company is free to apply success indicators in employee engagement surveys . For example, the frequency of conducting the survey itself, whether every quarter, once every six months or once a year. Sapling HR believes that more often is better than rarely. Thus, conducting quarterly surveys is preferable to annual surveys.

Still according to Sapling HR, below are two major indicators in making an employee engagement survey :

Reward aspect

The first step is to focus on rewarding employees . Ask questions to explore the frequency of awards they receive from their boss or manager. Don't forget to explore their opinion with the appreciation obtained, whether it is sufficient or as expected. Appreciation from superiors or other company representatives plays a very important role in fostering a feeling of comfort at work.

Balanced Aspects of Personal and Professional Life

Employee engagement surveys should also involve questions about employees' personal and professional lives. This is no less important in creating a feeling of comfort with the place where they work.

Examples of questions that can be given are workload, difficulty managing personal time if this is the case, making it difficult or easy to apply for leave. If these two factors are ignored, the mental health of employees will be disrupted. As a result, appreciation for the company will actually be reduced because the personal aspect is neglected.

The results of these two indicators will provide invaluable input for designing employee training and development programs. Another benefit, the company can obtain employee expectations to the company itself. Their potential will be well detected through this survey.

Steps to Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey

Define Survey Purpose

Ensure strategic intent with the company's vision and mission before starting the next step. An example of a goal is to create a basis for formulating a benefit package for employees and metrics for employee promotion or promotion.

Involve Various Related Parties

Not only the Human Capital division, managers should be involved in this survey. Invite them to contribute suggestions and ideas to increase the level of participation from employees later.

Create a Questionnaire

Make a questionnaire by continuously referring to the purpose of this survey. The questionnaire is an instrument to make it easier for us to achieve the objectives of the survey itself. Use light language and make it easier for employees to answer even though they are busy working. You can choose a questionnaire model with

Preparing Questionnaires

By knowing the purpose of the survey, the process of compiling a questionnaire can be carried out more easily. This is because basically, the questionnaire is just an instrument that brings us closer to the survey objectives. You can choose an open or closed question model as long as it fits the purpose of the survey.

Conducting Surveys

Until the 4th stage means you are ready to conduct a survey. Before the D-day of implementation, make outreach to prospective respondents, aka the employees themselves. Also remember to make the filling duration so that all employees have enough time to participate. An example of charging duration is one week or more.

Create Data Tabulation

After the survey results are obtained, the last step in the employee engagement survey is to tabulate the data. This process includes entering data into the system to draw conclusions. This data will later become input to improve or increase employee involvement in the company.

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