How to choose the best teaching methodology?

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Choosing the best teaching methodology can be a challenge for many professionals and educational institutions. After all, the understanding and decision process must take into account several factors, such as the age of the target audience, level of prior knowledge and the purpose of learning the content.

But do not worry! Although there are many variables, we have prepared a simple process to apply so that you arrive at the best alternative for your context. Check out:

1. Know your target audience

First, the most important thing is to understand in depth the profile of your students, their skills, interests and level of knowledge, in order to choose a teaching methodology that is suitable for them.

For example, students with attention deficit have more difficulty absorbing content through the expository methodology. Therefore, active approaches may make more sense for this niche.

2. Define the purpose of the content

After understanding your target audience in more depth, it is important to understand what purpose they have when seeking knowledge in the content you will transmit. This will be key to treating you more assertively.

For example: in postgraduate courses in business management, the methodology for problem-solving can be more effective when compared to research approaches. After all, that way students will put into practice the concepts learned, making it easier to transport them to the work environment.

3. Consider the type of content

As you can already imagine, there are contents that demand certain forms of teaching and this must be taken into account when choosing the methodology to be used.

To exemplify this situation, just imagine a cooking class. The contents need to sharpen the five senses. Therefore, an exclusively expository methodology will not bring the necessary depth to the theme.

4. Assess the available time

The time available for the class should also be considered when choosing the teaching methodology. Some methodologies require more time to implement than others.

For example, students in the early years of their choice tend to have more time for gamification and competency approaches, while students of a Master in Business Administration (MBA) commonly combine their study routine with work and therefore demand something more objective and practical.

5. Test different teaching methodologies

Choosing a teaching methodology should not be static. After all, news always comes up and it is important that the professional is always updating and adapting.

Given this, even after choosing a way to start educational practices, it is important to continue incrementing and testing new fronts of action.

One of the possibilities is to align two or more methodologies, providing increasingly complete experiences for students.

After understanding more deeply which methodology is best for each context, it is important to understand how to apply it. So we separate a practical step by step. Be sure to check out the next topic!

How to apply a new Teaching Methodology?

Assertively applying a teaching methodology is crucial to achieving the expected results. Therefore, the entire process must be planned in detail and executed correctly. For this, you must follow these steps:

Know the methodology

An educator who will conduct the learning moment must master the teaching methodology used. Therefore, it is essential to dedicate time to knowing all its principles, fundamentals, and means of application.

Plan the lesson

After knowing the methodology, it is necessary to plan how it will be applied in the classroom. This includes defining the objective of the moment, choosing the activities to be carried out and defining how they will be organized.

Always remembering that planning should be based on the fundamentals and principles of the chosen teaching methodology.

Prepare the material

Similar to planning, it is necessary to prepare the necessary material to apply the methodology. This includes all support tools, such as texts, videos, and activities, as well as support materials, equipment and technological resources.

Perform tests

After planning lessons and preparing materials, it is critical to put ideas to the test. After all, only in this way will it be possible to understand its effectiveness and identify the weak points that can be improved.

Apply the teaching methodology

Finally, the time has come to put the teaching methodology into practice. This will be the time to follow the previously defined plan and monitor student performance. It is important to make adjustments throughout the process if necessary.

Evaluate the results achieved

In pursuit of continuous improvement, it is essential to evaluate the results achieved through new and old teaching approaches put into practice. This can be done through testing, performance assessments, and student feedback.

The results obtained will be valuable and will help to identify the positive and negative points of the methodology and to make adjustments to improve it.


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