Active Teaching Methodologies: 7 Principles for Enhanced Learning

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For example, in the active methodology, we have 7 defined principles. Despite being in some points directly related to the basics, there are some differences. So, check out more about the definition of each one of them:

1. Student-centered learning: it has the student as the main agent of his own learning process, making the stimuli work individually for everyone;

2. Collaborative learning: encourages collaborative learning and the active participation of each student in work teams;

3. Contextualization: values ​​knowledge and learning in real situations or contexts, always relating the themes to the student's daily lives;

4. Significant learning: in line with the previous principle, there is a constant search for establishing a relationship between learning and the student's real world. With the objective that the acquired knowledge is meaningful and applicable;

5. Problem-based learning: focus on problem-solving as a way of teaching, allowing students to be able to apply theory in practical situations;

6. Educational technology: use of technology as a tool to boost learning;

7. Flexibility: search for student freedom, giving them the possibility to choose the path they want to follow in their learning process, adapting to their individual needs and pace.

Now that you know more about the principles of teaching methodologies, it's time to get to know more deeply what types there are. Let's go.

Advantages of Teaching Methodologies

Increasing and perfecting teaching methodologies are clear ways to increase the student's interest levels and consequently, the ease of absorption of content, facilitating the learning process.

However, the benefits can go far beyond that! Among the advantages of teaching methodologies, it is possible to highlight

  • Favor knowledge retention: teaching methodologies that promote practice and experimentation are more efficient for knowledge retention, helping students to better remember what was taught;

  • Stimulate student participation: as they often have active and participatory approaches, teaching methodologies encourage students to become more involved in learning, making the teaching process more dynamic and interactive;

  • Favor the development of skills: teaching methodologies that promote practice and experimentation favor the development of practical skills, such as problem-solving and decision-making;

  • They allow teaching to be personalized: these are practices that can be adapted to the needs and characteristics of each context, making the teaching process more personalized and, consequently, more efficient;

  • They prepare students for the job market: some approaches emphasize the development of practical skills and the application of knowledge in solving problems, thus forming students who are better prepared to take on professional challenges;

  • Facilitate learning: when well planned and executed, a teaching methodology makes learning easier and more efficient, helping students to better understand and retain the information;

  • Improve student performance: Efficient teaching methodologies have a positive impact on student performance, increasing their motivation and engagement in learning.


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